Emotional farewells from five Knox County Commissioners

By Mike Steely

Senior Writer


Five people who could not be more different from each other gave emotional farewells last week during their final meeting as Knox County Commissioners.

Goodbyes were not on the meeting’s agenda but the departing Dasha Lundy, Carson Dailey, John Schoonmaker, Richie Beeler and Kyle Ward impressed the remaining commissioners and audience with their heartfelt sentiments. The five will be honored with a dinner with the remaining and newly elected commissioners.

Dailey, who finishes two terms representing South Knox District 9, was surprised by Knoxville Vice Mayor Tommy Smith, who represents the same area on city council. Smith said he and Dailey were “co-caretakers” of the area and while they often had different opinions, they sought each other’s advice. Smith then presented Daily with a sign found on a county road right-of-way. Dailey was a champion of picking up roadside trash and signs and cleaning up garbage dumps.

By the end of a busy meeting, each of the departing commissioners had an occasion to speak briefly about their time in office.

“I am grateful for all of you,” said Richie Beeler, a minister by profession. He then mentioned each of them and described Lundy as a “warrior for her community who fought for what she believes.” He said of Schoonmaker and Dailey, “No one could ever have done this better.” He said that Kyle Ward is “a great friend and a brother from day one.”

“I love you all,” Lundy said, “I’m very grateful to sit in this seat and grateful to be here.”

Ward spoke very briefly saying each of the commission members had different gifts. He acknowledged that the commissioners didn’t always agree but “We’ve become family.”

“I’m glad to have all of you in this chapter of my life,” he added.

Schoonmaker recalled being appointed to the commission and then serving a total of nine and one-half years under two county mayors. He talked of attending every commission-related meeting and his appreciation of former Knox County Commissioner Charles Busler. “This is the best job I ever had. I wish the next group has as much fun as I had.”

Dailey said, “All my votes have been for the best of Knox County.” He added that although the members may have argued and discussed things during meetings, “when we walk out that door we leave it. It’s forgotten.”

Knox County Chairwoman Terry Hill, who told the commission she will not seek the position again, spoke of the past four years’ issues including a tornado, a “30-year snowstorm,” passing Advance Knoxville and dealing with the ambulance contract.