Is Kamala Harris Falling Behind?

By Steve Hunley

Kamala Harris, feeling she is falling behind, agreed to sit down for an interview with Brett Baier of Fox News, an interviewer who is not heavily biased in her favor.Unlike Whoopee Goldberg and that mummified sock puppet Joy Behar, who know as much about government and politics as a grasshopper, Baier walked a very fine line, remaining respectful, but holding Harris accountable as Joe Biden’s vice president.  Baier demonstrated what a real journalist does.  Baier asked one question that Harris had not been confronted with that has been much on the mind of American voters, inquiring about Biden’s cognitive decline.

“You told many interviewers that Joe Biden was on his game, that he ran circles around his staff.When did you first notice that President Biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished?” Baier asked.

Watching Harris, one could believe she was astonished someone had asked her the question.  She paused and then tried to sidestep the question by talking about how able Biden was as president.

“Joe Biden, I have watched from the Oval Office to the Situation Room, and he has the judgment and the experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions on behalf of the American people,” Harris said.

“There were no concerns raised?” Baier asked.

Harris retreated to Biden is not on the ballot, but Donald Trump is.  Baier followed with the comments made by actor George Clooney in the now notorious New York Times op-ed that Biden was not the same Biden he once knew.  “You met with him at least once a week for three-and-a-half years. You didn’t have any concerns?” Baier insisted.

Yet again Harris pivoted to saying people are worried about Trump.

Just as she did on The View, Harris could not think of a single thing she would do differently from Biden.  So, if people want more of the same – – – hyperinflation, sky-high rents, being barely able to afford groceries and feed their families, an open border that is a very real threat to this nation, federal agencies bled bankrupt because we are keeping up illegal aliens who have never been vetted, then you know which candidate to vote for.

The truth is that Biden opened the border immediately after occupying the White House through an executive order.  The Biden–Harris administration and their satellites in the mainstream media absolutely maintained there was NO crisis at our southern border for three and a half years.  That only changed when the issue kept appearing in the top three of American voters.  And Bill Clinton let the cat out of the bag when he slipped up and spoke the truth that if the murderer of Laken Riley had been properly vetted, she’d probably still be alive today.

Harris is now trying to blame Trump for the invasion across our southern border when it was the Biden–Harris administration that stopped the completion of the building of the border wall and sold it off for scrap.

Gaslighting is a type of psychological abuse that involves manipulating someone into questioning their own reality, memories or thoughts.  The goal is to cause the victim to doubt their own judgment in order to gain control or power over them and that is precisely what the left and mainstream media have done.  As Bret Baier brought home to Kamala Harris, the news media and everybody in the Biden administration screamed from the mountain tops Joe Biden ran circles around his staff, was full of energy, mentally acute and on top of everything.  It was all proven to be a lie by an old man who is lucky to remain standing, appearing before the American people befuddled, uncertain, confused, and incoherent.  It was a sorry spectacle no American should have had to endure and the only explanation is the left started to believe their own hype.  It was abundantly clear Joe Biden was slipping mentally to a casual observer for quite some time.

As Mollie Hemingway has written, the New York Times is trying to gaslight the people currently about political prosecutions, raising the specter Trump will prosecute his political enemies and Democrats.  You mean like they have Trump and other Republicans?  Why didn’t he do it during his first term?  No, Trump said prosecuting Hillary Clinton would be “divisive” and not good for the country.  The left doesn’t worry about what is good for this country because they hate this country.

Never in the history of this country has a Department of Justice been so politicized.  The DOJ is suing the State of Virginia for removing illegal aliens from its voter rolls, as per a state law signed by then-governor Tim Kaine, who was Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016.  Nobody sued Ralph Northam or Terry McAuliffe when they did the same thing, but the present governor of Virginia, Glen Youngkin, is a Republican.

The very same DOJ raided the home of parents they designated as terrorists because they did not agree with the agenda to allow minors to have radical trans surgery.  The same DOJ raided the homes of pro-life activists and prosecuted and jailed some of them.  The same DOJ is suing states that are trying to increase the security and integrity of their election systems. The same DOJ is suing the State of Virginia to leave non-citizens on the voting rolls, who have a history of voting in elections.  Yet they smile at us and tell us illegals and non-citizens can’t vote, it’s not legal.  So, we have a DOJ that is suing a state to uphold illegality.  Kamala says she will uphold the federal law, but she hasn’t called out the Biden–Harris DOJ for not upholding federal law.  Nor has Kamala denounced the DOJ for doing quite the opposite.

Only one party attempted to use the levers of government to remove a candidate from the ballot, and it was not the Republican Party.

The left and the news media gaslighted the American people about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which they knew to be legitimate and real, as well as the Russia hoax, right on down the line.

They either can’t or won’t tell the truth and if you are sitting on the fence, you really ought to think about why Kamala won’t tell the truth, why she has retreated from positions she’s taken in the recent past to defund the police, provide sex change operations for those in prison,  who sponsored a bill as a senator requiring the manufacture of only vehicles which run off electricity or hydrogen; she’s run away from virtually every position she’s ever taken because they are so far removed from mainstream America.

At best, Kamala is a woman of no real convictions.  At best, she’s just trying to gaslight the American people one more time.  Unfortunately, she’s no better at that than Tim Walz is at trying to load a shotgun.