By Mike Steely

If you’re from our region of Appalachia you’ve probably dealt with or heard of bootleggers, those friendly folks who secretly deliver liquor to your backdoor. You may have had someone in your family involved with that illegal activity.

Times change and now you can have up to a gallon of liquor legally delivered to your home or business after  a Tennessee law was changed a couple years ago. Some liquor stores in Knoxville provide the service for a fee and require identification of someone over 21 at the delivery point. Drivers must also be 21 and pass a criminal background check.

Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Knoxville City Council has a request from a new business, Knoxville Room Service, on the agenda to deliver liquor. The business, at 4851 North Broadway, was founded and is operated by Haley Krotz and Kyle Zellner and their website has to slogan “to help turn a boring night into a special night.”

For a flat service fee plus the cost of the liquor the business promises quick service to your front door.

The council will also vote on a contract proposal from the Office of Sustainability to hire Fulghum MacIndoe and Associates to provide inspection services for the new LED streetlight retrofit project. The agreement is for $314,738.

An existing agreement with Design and Construction Services, Inc., may be increased by $ 14,397 to bring the new total to more than $1.275 million for the Sidewalk Replacement Project.

Also on the agenda is the possible addition of $22,000  to an agreement with Gresham Smith and Partners for the Merchant Drive/Clinton Highway intersection improvements. The date of completion would be extended to December 31st.

A resolution to authorize the mayor to apply for $50,000 from the state Immigration Empowerment Solutions and Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition for local use will be discussed.

The council may also discuss selling surplus property on Parham Street and North Chestnut Street.

Knoxville Area Transit is requesting $269,323 to purchase an in-ground lift system for their maintenance shop from Holston Construction Services, LLC. KAT is also asking the council to approve an agreement with Unicorn HRO to provide payroll, payroll tax preparation and human resources services. The agreement costs $48,426 with an implementation fee of $11,662.

One property, at 7720 Pocanno Road, may see a final vote to annex it into the city and provide services.

The council may also vote to authorize the Industrial Development Board to negotiate an agreement with Orange Knoxville Cumberland, LLC, for payments in lieu of taxes for a property at 2223 Cumberland Avenue.