Hear from Knox Education Foundation Thursday

~ from East Knoxville Business & Professional Association Next Meeting: Thursday, May 16 7:45am Networking | 8:00am Meeting We’re excited to welcome Mike Taylor and Blake Lawson from the Knox Education Foundation for an insightful discussion at Sarah Moore...

Larry Cox Was A Good And Kind  Man

Larry Cox Was A Good And Kind  Man By John J. Duncan Jr. duncanj@knoxfocus.com Larry Cox was one of my closest friends for more than 40 years. When he passed away on October 18 last year, not only did I lose a close friend, but more importantly, the city of Knoxville...

Israel is its own ‘closest’ ally

Israel is its own ‘closest’ ally By Dr. Harold A. Black blackh@knoxfocus.com haroldblackphd.com   Don’t get me wrong, I am no fan of Israel. I have not forgiven them for the bombing of the US Liberty and never will. The Israelis and their sycophants worldwide...

National Title Drought to End?

National Title Drought to End? By Mark Nagi So, I live in the mean streets of Farragut. Any of my fellow Farragutonians (is that really a word, I don’t know) will agree that out here you must keep your head on a swivel. Anyway, there’s a street sign on the eastbound...

Being Married to a Narcissist

Being Married to a Narcissist By Jedidiah McKeehan I cannot tell you how many times I have consulted with someone on a potential divorce case and they have said something to me like, “You do not understand! I am married to a narcissist! Have you ever done a case...