If You Call the Police, Can You Still Be Arrested?

If You Call the Police, Can You Still Be Arrested? By Jedidiah McKeehan Occasionally, I will represent someone charged with a crime and they will say something to me like, “They arrested me, and I am the one who called the police!” Unfortunately, if you call the...

Visiting the Whales in Chattanooga

Visiting the Whales in Chattanooga A Day Away By Mike Steely You’d never think about visiting whales within a two-hour drive from Knoxville but if you are into the world’s largest mammal or you simply like 3-D movies, you might think of Chattanooga and the Tennessee...

The Better Parts of School

The Better Parts of School By Joe Rector I am lucky to have grown up when I did. A member of the Baby Boomer generation, I spent my youth worry-free. The most important things involved having fun and just being a boy in the country community of Ball Camp. Even school,...


And the Lord God formed a man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and he became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 By Dr. Jim Ferguson It finally looks like winter is done, March Madness is over, the eclipse hoopla has subsided and...