Accepting and living

By Joe Rector Not long ago, Rev. Larry Dial encouraged his flock to dare to tell their stories. He said that doing so was one way of carrying out our missions as Christians. He also stated that, just perhaps, we might connect with another person who has experienced...


By Joe Rector The Christmas trees have been taken down; ornaments and other decorations are once again safe in boxes and bins. Supplies of fireworks are expended, and the remnants of them have been removed from yards and streets. The holiday season is finished, and...

Half-hearted Resolution

By Joe Rector Uh oh! The New Year is here, and it’s time for folks to make their resolutions. Most of them will be followed diligently, at least for the first 30 days. After that, we’ll settle back into our ruts and forget about changes to our ways of life. For...

Christmas Twists

By Joe Rector Christmas is perhaps the day that brings the most happiness for most folks, but for some it’s a day that elicits sadness and loneliness. Those feelings are never more stinging than that first Christmas when a loved one is no longer there. More than fifty...

New discoveries for an old body

By Joe Rector Once again, I’m thinking about growing older each and every day. Yes, doing so beats the alternative, and I’m not complaining…sort of. What I’d rather say is that I’m discovering new things that accompany new birthdays. For one, I’ve learned new tricks...