Filling our brains

For most of our younger years, we are required to remember things. Children wonder if enough room exists in their heads to store all of this stuff. Of course, our super-computers manage to process the information and keep it for the rest of our lives. Many of us...

Television shows that hit home

By Joe Rector I’ve always been a person who is easily moved by movies, the sappy kind. The same goes for television shows. I watched every episode of “West Wing” and now wish this country could have the same kind of leadership regardless of what party provides it. I...

How to survive the problem

  By Joe Rector I keep hearing from news outlets that we have just crossed into a new world, a new time. The revelations of sexual harassment by some famous men has our world spinning. At the risk of offending some people, I have a few thoughts on the subject. To...


By Joe Rector Too many students fail to complete assigned work. Heck, some of them don’t even take notes on information given either orally or written, even though they receive a grade for doing so. It’s enough to make any teacher’s blood boil. The bottom line is not...

How do they afford those things?

By Joe Rector Money—it’s something that most of us are short on. It is the means by which we can gain things that we need and want. What amazes me is how prices of things have gone up so much over the years. I often wonder how folks manage to pay for the items they...