Less is enough

By Joe Rector Most mornings, I crawl out of bed and walk to my closet. Once the door is opened, I stare at a long line of shirts and several pairs of pants and try to decide which of them I will wear for that day. Sometimes, the process is much like choosing a show on...

Liar, liar

By Joe Rector At some point in this country’s existence, things turned upside down. Black became white, up became down, and lies became alternative truths. The last one listed is something with which all of us have lived and in which we have participated during our...

Like a yo-yo

By Joe Rector The holiday season took a toll on me. I’ve never been good at refusing sweets and other items that appear on kitchen the table. Holiday meals are times when I overeat, and not doing so is hard when everything smells and tastes so much better than at...

Just one more time

By Joe Rector Mother Nature discovered that we humans were much too happy with the balmy temperatures occurring in January. She sent a surge of cold air back through the south the next month just to remind us what season it actually was and to dampen our spirits. It’s...

Back at it

By Joe Rector Well, I don’t believe it. I left teaching in 2008 and vowed that I’d never again darken the doorway of a classroom. In August, I began substituting at a few schools. Before long, I was working four days a week. The work was easy, and the pay was better...