Summer wasn’t so grand

By Joe Rector Ah, summer! Is anything comparable to it? Plenty of hot weather comes to the point so that some folks long for the snowy months. Gardens and flowers burst forth in exhibition of our green thumbs. Most of all, the kids are out of school and are overcome...

More than just fireworks

By Joe Rector July 4th is one of only a few days that has become a national holiday. We Americans know how to celebrate it with style. We spend bundles on explosives that fizz or whir or boom for a few minutes, and all we’re left with are aching ears, smoke-filled...

Your Talent

By Joe Rector On “60 Minutes” the other Sunday, a young boy played jazz piano with the stars of the genre. He amazed even the pros with his abilities to understand the music and to include his own interpretations, something difficult for most seasoned veterans. Last...

Thumped by an eight year old

By Joe Rector I took my grandson Madden back home the other day. He’d come to our house during Memorial Day and stayed a while after his parents went back to Nashville and to work. Any time with the boy is pure gold, even if I’m weary by the time he leaves. During...

Congratulations and get ready

By Joe Rector Congratulations, graduates! You’ve reached milestones in your lives. Some of you have survived or even thrived in a high school setting, and now are ready to receive your diplomas and turn toward what lies ahead. Others have put in long, arduous hours...