Start at home first

By Joe Rector I listened to the Democratic Debate a couple of weeks ago. No, it didn’t have the flair for dramatics that came from the earlier GOP gatherings, but some of the answers that the Dems gave for questions were every bit as frustrating as Republican...


By Joe Rector Walt Whitman, one of my favorite poets, said, “Do anything, but let it produce joy.” I can only wish following that advice has been easy, but the opposite is true. It’s the way I’m turned. Heredity probably has much to do with it as well. Whatever the...


By Joe Rector I don’t know about the rest of you, but the WHO’s latest proclamation turned out to be one big bummer for me. Processed meats, those wonderful things like bologna, ham, sausage, and bacon, are now declared cancer causing. Are you kidding? For years I’ve...

Looking for the artist in me

By Joe Rector I love art. No one would ever call me an expert or critic, but as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said about pornography, “I know it when I see it”—art that is. Jim Gray pieces inspire me; just down the road from my house, Ruby Dayton’s home and...

History repeats itself

By Joe Rector For some reason, I feel as if my writing has been more on rants than lighter topics. I’d like that to change, but too many topics cry out for attention. The most recent topic deals with the latest Holocaust news. It seems that history repeats itself....