
By Joe Rector I just watched a news story about the re-birth of Converse tennis shoes. Such things as this give me confidence that our country is still clinging to the goodness that has been around for years. Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch, but I did feel good...

College Costs

By Joe Rector Attending college is an expensive venture for young people these days. My two children made it through before the prices skyrocketed; the cash we forked out was still close to a king’s ransom, but nothing like what students face today. Somehow we managed...

Opening Day Excitement

By Joe Rector The other morning, Facebook filled with photos of children posing in new clothes and shoes and with the latest back packs and lunch boxes. The official first day of school for Knox County and some other area schools brought in hordes of kids and...

Day-old bread

By Joe Rector Each day that I sit down at the table to eat, I am thankful for the bounty which God has provided. I realize that too many in this country, the place supposedly where abundant food is available, go hungry every day. Though we never went without food,...

How we used to do it

By Joe Rector This world doesn’t look too familiar to some of us older folks. From music to technology, the dramatic changes leave us puzzled and asking, “Huh?” Even relationships between boys and girls are different. In another century, teens who liked each other...