Your move, Butch Jones…

By Alex Norman During the Derek Dooley era, the Tennessee football program suffered through one self-inflicted public relations mistake after another. From Dooley’s lack of public discipline with regards to quarterback Tyler Bray, to his goofy press conferences, to...

The Super Bowl I Don’t Want To Watch

By Alex Norman Normally when the Super Bowl rolls around I can always find a reason to root for one of the teams… but I’m not going to lie.  I’m rooting for Glendale to be overrun by zombies because you would be hard pressed to find two teams that are more unlikeable...

James Winston… to the Tennessee Titans?

By Alex Norman There are two constants in life.  The first I forget.  The second is that the Tennessee Titans will continue to be the most boring team in the National Football League. They haven’t won a playoff game since the 2003 season and haven’t been to the...

The Hubris of Lane Kiffin

By Alex Norman The smartest guy in the room… well, the guy who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room… he’s never really the smartest guy in the room, you know? The smartest guy in the room is actually so smart that he makes sure that no one knows that he is the...