Nature’s Residence

By Ralphine Major Koalas and kangaroos, the two animals I think of at the mention of Australia. In recent weeks, images in the news have been heart-wrenching. Baby kangaroos that have been left motherless, and koalas with burned paws searching for shelter and water....

Time is Marching On

By Ralphine Major During the sixties, seventies, eighties, and even the nineties, 2020 seemed so far on the horizon.  Two thousand twenty and the start of a new decade.  Unbelievable! Changing to a new calendar gave pause to take another look back at 2019.  It was a...

The Everlasting Gift

By Ralphine Major The day has come and gone. Finally! The long-awaited holiday prompting months of preparation is finally over. Gifts have been unwrapped. Decorated trees have been taken down. Nativity scenes with a baby in a manger have been packed away for another...

The One and Only Reagan

By Ralphine Major We went to see a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with ornaments representing 68 countries at the home of Carolyn Jensen.  While there, we fell in love with a little dog named after America’s 40th President!  I was fascinated with the furry...

Christmas Around the World!

By Ralphine Major A rose from Spain.  A koala bear from Australia. Venetian glass from Venice. From Puerto Rico, a butterfly—the symbol of new life. Ornaments from Japan, Prague, China, and the list goes on. The magnificent ten-foot Christmas tree is the focal...