Beloved Country Doctor, part 5 Healing Hands

By Ralphine Major Most people knew him as “the doctor.” But outside of work, Dr. A.D. Simmons was a husband and father. Sylvia Simmons Babelay is the oldest of the four Simmons children and shares fascinating memories about A. D. Simmons, the father. “I always...

Home for Thanksgiving

  By Ralphine Major We named them Caesar and Cleo. The playful pups would often take a running leap and jump into the pond. While they had the markings of a black Doberman pinscher, they were not registered. Caesar was given to a friend who lost his Doberman....

Being Thankful Every Day

  By Ralphine Major We live in America. We have so much to be thankful for as the long-awaited Thanksgiving holiday approaches once again. Too often, it is easy to take for granted the privileges we enjoy and even those we hold most dear. It...

Beloved Country Doctor, Part 4

By Ralphine Major A journey that began in rural East Tennessee led the aspiring doctor far from his Grainger County home. It was during the early 1930s when Alvis David Simmons enrolled at The University of Tennessee Medical School in Memphis. While there, Simmons...

Beloved Country Doctor, Part 3

By Ralphine Major “When he was at Lincoln Memorial University (LMU), he was able to run track.  He ran so fast, he was nicknamed Phantom,” Rada said.  She was referring to her father, the late Dr. A. D. Simmons, who would eventually become the only medical doctor in...