Americans helping one another

By Ralphine Major The heart-wrenching images are humbling.  Just days after the historic eclipse, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and later Louisiana.  Though it had been predicted, the scenes are staggering.  Record rainfall has turned roadways into rivers, covered cars...

A Sweet Spot in Madisonville

By Ralphine Major A trip to the Knoxville Zoo sounded like fun—especially on the day of the much publicized eclipse!  Driving to the sweet spot of Sweetwater, Tennessee, would involve too much traffic.  Besides, Charlie and Barbara wanted to...

The Eclipse of August 21, 2017

By Ralphine Major It has been widely reported in the news for months.  A total eclipse is set to take place on  August 21, 2017—the first one in 38 years! I barely remember the eclipse of 1979.  It did not receive all the media attention that this one has even...

Friendships Rekindled

By Ralphine Major It was 1973, and we were young.  With our waist-length dark hair, we looked like students.  We were.  But, we were also bridging the gap between student and employee.  It was in the work place that Linda and I first met. The Daniel & Duncan Law...

Move to the Magnolia State!

  By Ralphine Major His distinguished career path took the East Tennessee native from Corryton to Memphis for education and training in the field of dentistry on his journey to becoming a board certified oral and maxillofacial pathologist.  He taught 13 years at...