East Tennessee’s Changing Weather

By Ralphine Major With only one snow and record-breaking warm temperatures, January and February are behind us.  March has arrived with her usual windy conditions.  As I pen this column, several schools have already dismissed in anticipation of the thunderstorms...

Back When (Part 4)

By Ralphine Major Perhaps in the early 1900s it was a common sight.  Today, it is historical.  I marvel not only at the scene, but more so that anyone even had a camera and would have the presence of mind to capture on film the threshing machine event.  The late...

Back When (Part 3)

By Ralphine Major The question was asked by his grandson in an e-mail. “Do you remember what kind/model of car you had to travel back and forth to your grandparents’ house?” Navigating through keystrokes and clicks on his computer, the grandfather answered: “My...

Back When (Part 2)

By Ralphine Major With a computer and a sharp mind, the lengthy e-mails to his grandson and nephew’s inquiries answered their questions about family.  At the same time, he was describing life in the early 1900s with much clarity and detail.  Informally titled “back...