God, Country, Home

By Ralphine Major “And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth....

Parade of Tractors

By Ralphine Major How long could it take to look at a tractor or two?  Longer than I had gauged!  There were tractors dating back to 1935, an orchard tractor with large fenders over the tractor tires, and a museum-like collection of antiques.  Our mother was most...

Piddle Diddle has Arrived!

By Ralphine Major What animal can hold a child’s attention better than a mischievous, cunning penguin?  Piddle Diddle is such a penguin!  Despite her small size, she can be an example to children.  Size is an obstacle only if you let it be, and penguins are some of...

Piddle Diddle has Arrived!

By Ralphine Major What animal can hold a child’s attention better than a mischievous, cunning penguin?  Piddle Diddle is such a penguin!  Despite her small size, she can be an example to children.  Size is an obstacle only if you let it be, and penguins are some of...