Knoxville Focus for Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Knoxville Focus for Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Click here to view this week's Focus. School Board budget may not get approved By Mike Steely A combined meeting of the Knox County Commission and Board of Education Tuesday night at Ijam’s Nature Center saw the school board continuing to push...

Knoxville Focus for Monday, May 19, 2014

Knoxville Focus for Monday, May 19, 2014

Click here to view this week's Focus online. Haslam signs ‘Tennessee Promise’ into law Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam held a ceremonial bill signing at Fulton High School last week for HB 2491/SB2471, the “Tennessee Promise.” The historic proposal, which was approved...

Knoxville Focus for May 12, 2014

Knoxville Focus for May 12, 2014

Click here to view this week's Focus. Rountree Defeats Trainor in School Board Race By Focus Staff The first round of voting in the races for the Knox County Board of Education is over and there will be at least one new fresh fresh face sitting on the Board come...

Knoxville Focus for May 5, 2014

Knoxville Focus for May 5, 2014

Click here to view this week's Focus online. South Knox Rallies for Rountree By Mike Steely Thursday evening at the Round Up Restaurant on Sevierville Pike,  Amber Rountree could not have been more busy, greeting supporter after supporter pouring...

The Knoxville Focus for April 28, 2014

The Knoxville Focus for April 28, 2014

Click here to view this week's Focus. School Board Incumbents Get a Failing Grade By Steve Hunley, Publisher We constantly hear from the school administration just how good our schools are. We are constantly inundated with self-promoting press...

Knoxville Focus for April 21, 2014

Knoxville Focus for April 21, 2014

Click here to view this week's Focus online. Knox County School Board asks for even more By Mike Steely Promoting their budget request as a 2.5% pay increase for teachers, the  Knox County Board of Education passed a $432,335,000 budget last...

Knoxville Focus for April 14, 2014

Knoxville Focus for April 14, 2014

Click here to view this week's Focus online. Sheriff JJ Jones running on experience and accomplishments By David Klein Running on his experience, Knox County Sherriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones said he was proud of his accomplishments over the last four years. Jones was...

Focus for April 7

Focus for April 7

Click here to view this week's Focus. Rountree shines at School Board Candidates Forum By Steve Hunley, Publisher Candidates for the Knox County Board of Education met last week in a forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters. Candidates in...