Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley I Hope Senators Blackburn And Hagerty Will Stay In Senate And Continue To Help President Trump First I want to say that I supported and continue to support both U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty. I think both are...



NATIONAL SIGNING DAY   For many, National Signing Day is the culmination of a long recruiting journey!   LOCAL COLLEGE SIGNEES According to local high school athletic directors in The Knoxville Focus’ coverage area, here’s a list of student-athletes who...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Adios, Acosta Jim Acosta, who made a name for himself as the obnoxious and abrasive reporter covering President Trump for CNN, has announced his departure from the network.  There are those of us who remember Acosta when he worked...