It is Time to Refuse the Test

By Sally Absher It’s THAT time of the year.  During the month of February, every child from grade 3 to grade 11 is expected to take the online TCAP Writing Assessment.  The test dates are staggered, depending on grade, and school. For Elementary and Middle school...

Don’t Fix it, Repeal It

By Sally Absher No Child Left Behind, that is. Tennessee’s senior senator Lamar Alexander is making quite a name for himself these days on the topic of education. Alexander, the new chairman of the Senate’s education committee, released a draft bill last month...

(Mis)understanding Teacher Absences

By Sally Absher Mark Twain popularized the phrase, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Judging from the reaction to a couple of recent articles in the Knoxville daily paper about teacher absenteeism, this is still true. The first...