Are we all going crazy?

By Dr. Harold A. Black Remember the joke about the guy tasting Bud Light for the first time and thought it tasted funny and sent it to a lab? The report said, “I am afraid your horse has diabetes.” Well, now Bud Light – the fake...

Pothole Pete, the Green New Deal and Air Safety

Pothole Pete, the Green New Deal and Air Safety By Dr. Harold A. Black I’ve written often on being governed by incompetents. The current example is the failure of bank regulators to enforce banking regulations. Another obvious...

Why do white people hate white people?

By Dr. Harold A. Black   Even though I have lived amongst white people since I was 17 years old, I don’t pretend to understand them. Why do whites condemn white supremacy if they are white? It seems to me that if whites are...

Socialism: Caveat Emptor

Socialism: Caveat Emptor By Dr. Harold A. Black Socialists hate capitalism because it works so well. Capitalism’s critics living in capitalist economies complain and whine because capitalism produces prosperity. Socialism...

Isn’t it time to fire incompetent bank regulators?

Isn’t it time to fire incompetent bank regulators? By Dr. Harold A. Black The failure of Silicon Valley Bank sparked a mini-panic in financial markets. The word “contagion” was tossed around as if the banking system were replete...