Amnesty for Illegals to Combat Declining Birth Rates?

Amnesty for Illegals to Combat Declining Birth Rates? By Dr. Harold A. Black Chuck Schumer wants amnesty for illegals and a path to citizenship for “all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.” Now 11 million is...

A Post-Mortem on the Election

A Post-Mortem on the Election By Dr. Harold A. Black Most people I know were disappointed in the results of the midterm election. The pundits almost unanimously predicted a “red wave” with the Republicans picking up as many as...

Are Blacks Becoming Politically Irrelevant?

Are Blacks Becoming Politically Irrelevant? By Dr. Harold A. Black In this election cycle, there has been a notable swing of Latino voters to the Republican party. One reason has been abortion. Fifty-five percent of Latinos are...

Cultural Appropriation is Mostly Nonsense

By Dr. Harold A. Black I don’t understand the term “cultural appropriation.” Sure I know that the dictionary says “adoption of certain language, behavior, clothing, or tradition belonging to a minority culture or social group by...

The End of “People of Color”

The End of “People of Color” By Dr. Harold A. Black When the progressives sought to try to make the rest of us think that all minorities are just alike, they invented the term “people of color.” It didn’t matter that the term...