Biased Anyone?

Biased Anyone?   By Dr. Harold A. Black The Wall Street Journal had an article about a nurse who was fired because she refused to take a test to reveal any implicit bias. Her reasons mainly involved her insisting she was...

Well, at least he’s not Trump!

Well, at least he’s not Trump! By Dr. Harold A. Black That the Left overplays its hand seems to be universal. In this country, the majority of its citizens do not approve of the Biden Administration. Pushing gender identity and...

Why some schools are teaching Critical Race Theory

Why some schools are teaching Critical Race Theory By Dr. Harold A. Black Critical race theory (CRT) is being used in many public-school systems as an excuse to deflect from their inability to teach our children how to read, how...

The Stupid Party?

The Stupid Party? By Dr. Harold A. Black George Will once referred to the Republicans as being the “dumb” party – although some have called it the “stupid” party. Either may be apropos when it seems like its leadership is trying...

The Cult of Victimhood

The Cult of Victimhood By Dr. Harold A. Black Those who insist that slavery is the root of all evil in America and that, as a result, blacks are victims, denigrate the strength of black Americans. Contrary to the designation of...

I guess it depends on what you mean by ‘secure’

I guess it depends on what you mean by ‘secure’   By Dr. Harold A. Black Why do Hispanics cross the southern border in pairs? The signs say “no trespassing.” Florida governor DeSantis is sending illegals from Florida to...