Aren’t prices set by supply and demand?

By Dr. Harold A. Black Apparently, the federal czars fitfully trying to manage the economy have forgotten that economics tells us that prices are determined by changes in both supply and demand. Only the Federal Reserve appears...

Trump endorsements

  By Dr. Harold A. Black “Hi. I’m running for road superintendent and am endorsed by Donald Trump.” If “all politics is local” then what is Donald Trump doing endorsing 194 candidates since leaving office? His endorsement...

Rule of the minority?

  By Dr. Harold A. Black The left has always loved the judiciary making policy that fail to make it through the legislature. However, when the Supreme Court stopped making policy and started enforcing the law, the left...

I like Elon Musk

By Dr. Harold A. Black I like Elon Musk. I appreciate his genius from his pioneering work with Tesla -daring to start an electric car company when none of the basic fundamentals made sense – to rescuing America’s space program...

Happy Birthday America.

By Dr. Harold A. Black Happy Birthday America. It’s your 246th birthday. America is unique. Never before had a country been established with the individual, rather than the government, as its nexus. In America the government was...

Black Gun Ownership

By Dr. Harold A. Black Somebody named Joy Behar on something called “The View” made the following incredibly dumb statement: “Once Black people get guns in this country, the gun laws will change. Trust me.” She apparently must...