Israel is its own ‘closest’ ally

Israel is its own ‘closest’ ally By Dr. Harold A. Black   Don’t get me wrong, I am no fan of Israel. I have not forgiven them for the bombing of the US Liberty and never will. The Israelis and their sycophants worldwide...

Et Tu, Kamala?

Et Tu, Kamala? By Dr. Harold A. Black It is not inconceivable that the “winner” of the presidential election in November might not become president. The Founding Fathers were fearful of the tyranny of the majority and...

The NAACP’s latest salvo at Ron DeSantis

The NAACP’s latest salvo at Ron DeSantis By Dr. Harold A. Black Last year the NAACP issued a “travel advisory” warning blacks that Florida was a “hate state” hostile to people of color. This probably was a surprise to the 6...

What checks and balances?

What checks and balances? By Dr. Harold A. Black When I was in school, I was taught that the United States had a system of checks and balances where no one branch of the government could devolve into tyranny given the oversight...

Happy Tax Day

Happy Tax Day By Dr. Harold A. Black   I have long advocated for no mandatory withholding. Withholding should be optional. If people opted to pay all their federal income taxes on April 15 there would be a lot more pressure...

Our Gutless Politicians

Our Gutless Politicians By Dr. Harold A. Black   I am at a loss as to why there is virtually no pushback from Republican legislators on Biden’s quest to electrify the planet. Thus far only John Kennedy of Louisiana has...