Finding My Roots

Finding My Roots By Dr. Harold A. Black My youngest granddaughter is named Haley. Her mother was in Tennessee’s MBA program and went with me to visit Alex Haley – a fellow University of Tennessee faculty member – at his farm in...

Franklin Roosevelt kept my father a Republican

Franklin Roosevelt kept my father a Republican By Dr. Harold A. Black When Roosevelt first ran for president most blacks were Republicans. This is not surprising given that the Democrats were opposed to abolishing slavery,...

Fake meat and regime change

Fake meat and regime change   By Dr. Harold A. Black I am a deer hunter and since 1971 I have not eaten any red meat except venison. I have no explanation except that since I can hunt and take enough game to last from the...

Random Thoughts

By Dr. Harold A. Black Nikki Haley is trying to beat Kamala Harris to become the first Asian-American president. She had better hope that Biden lives out his term.   “Elite” college campuses are not the only places...

No more ‘elite’ universities

No more ‘elite’ universities   By Dr. Harold A. Black I don’t know who anointed certain universities as “elite” but they are elite no more. Presumably, those universities once had the highest standards for admissions...