No More Rule Of Law

No More Rule Of Law By Dr. Harold A. Black I am probably the last to admit it but we are in trouble as a country. We have become more polarized than at any point in our history save the Civil War. All the polls indicate that the...

Hollywood’s Strike

Hollywood’s Strike By Dr. Harold A. Black When I wrote this piece, Hollywood actors and writers are on strike. The question is “Will anyone notice?” I certainly won’t since I don’t go to movies. The last movie I sat through in a...

Some thoughts on climate change

By Dr. Harold A. Black   I have lunch once a month with a close friend who thinks Biden is doing a great job. We agree on very little. Although we both think the education industrial complex does everything but teach...

Do you believe the polls?

Do you believe the polls? By Dr. Harold A. Black Today’s political headlines tell us that Donald Trump will most likely be the Republican nominee and that all other contenders might as well quit the race. The polls show that...

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts By Dr. Harold A. Black   How can law enforcement find the Long Island serial killer but can’t find who leaked the Supreme Court’s opinion on abortion or who left the cocaine at the White House? Remember when...

How to Stop Bank Runs

How to Stop Bank Runs   By Dr. Harold A. Black Marriner Eccles, who was chairman of the Fed from 1934 to 1948, was reputed to say that the main problem with banking was that there were 13,000 banks in the U.S. and not that...