Issues Are More Important Than The Candidates

Issues Are More Important Than The Candidates   By John J. Duncan Jr.   If I had been voting in either of the Republican Primaries for U.S. Senate in Georgia or Pennsylvania this year, I would not have voted for Herschel Walker or Dr....

Democrats Have Started To Panic

Democrats Have Started To Panic   By John J. Duncan Jr.   In my Focus column of May 2, I said the GOP should not celebrate too early. I had heard former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and others say this was going to be a ‘wave” election...

Supreme Court On Prayer And Bible Reading II

Supreme Court On Prayer And Bible Reading II By John J. Duncan Jr. Last week I wrote about the U.S. Supreme Court cases in the 1960s which banned prayer and Bible reading in public schools. In the prayer case, all three levels of the New York...

Supreme Court On Prayer And Bible Reading, I

Supreme Court On Prayer And Bible Reading, I By John J. Duncan Jr. On June 25, 1962 the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a very controversial decision in Engel v. Vitale saying that New York public school teachers could not lead students in a...

Eisenhower Was A Very Courageous President

Eisenhower Was A Very Courageous President By John J. Duncan Jr. President Dwight Eisenhower was one of our greatest presidents. The eight years he was in the White House were years of peace and prosperity. Inflation averaged 1.3% a year, and...