Crime Explosion In Democrat-Run Cities

By John J. Duncan Jr. A few months ago, not long after he was sworn in as New York City’s newest Mayor, Eric Adams was asked why so many people were moving out of the city. Mayor Adams replied: “I don’t blame them for leaving. New York has become...

Kids Say The Darndest Things

By John J. Duncan Jr. You would have to be a senior citizen like me to remember Art Linkletter, but he had a show which ran for 25 years on CBS radio and television, and another that ran for 19 years on NBC radio and television. On one of his...

Far Left Hate Exposed Once Again

By John J. Duncan Jr. The hatred of those on the far Left never ceases to amaze me, and it seemed to reach new heights over the recent Supreme Court decisions on Roe vs. Wade. Pro-abortion demonstrators went to the home of Justice Amy Coney...

Remembering local restaurants

By John J. Duncan Jr. I miss Wright’s Cafeteria. Everything I ever had there was good, and I always saw a lot of friendly people there. One of the most pleasant was the owner, my friend David Wright. The cafeteria was filled with pictures of...

Biden Blames Everybody But Himself

By John J. Duncan Jr. President Biden a few days ago blamed high gas prices on everyone but himself, and he has done this repeatedly over the last few months His latest attack was on those who own gas stations and another blast blaming it on...

Any Discrimination, For or Against, Is Wrong

By John J. Duncan Jr. In the upside-down world of today, a person can sometimes get in more trouble and controversy for saying something that is true than for saying some politically-correct falsehood. This happened recently to James Patterson,...