Screen addiction is a serious problem

By John J. Duncan Jr. The late Chancellor Fred McDonald told me he had lost almost 40 pounds in three months simply by stopping eating in front of the television. He said he had figured out that every time he watched television, he seemed to want popcorn, ice cream,...

Immigration Crisis

By John J. Duncan Jr. Americans are the kindest, most generous people in the world. No other nation even comes close to the U.S. in doing things for other countries. But it is ridiculous for the federal government to spend $86.9 million to house illegal immigrants in...

Barnes Barber Shop is a special place

By John J. Duncan Jr. My wife has several times said in a critical way that I just don’t like change. I guess she is right, because I have been a member of Holston Hills County Club since I was nine, of Eastminster Presbyterian Church since I was 12, and I still get...

If Donald Trump had been re-elected

By John J. Duncan Jr. There are several things happening now that would not be happening if Donald Trump had been re-elected. 1.) Gas prices would not be jumping up on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis, with wealthy environmentalists wanting them to go even higher so...

Huge national debt destroys countries

  By John J. Duncan Jr. I am a big fan of the author Eric Metaxas and especially of his book “Miracles,” which I would recommend to anyone. He wrote a best-selling biography of the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer and a highly-acclaimed biography of Martin Luther....

Keeping schools closed has hurt our children

By John J. Duncan Jr. I very seldom read the New York Times, because its editors do not limit their left-wing propaganda to the opinion pages but spread it throughout the paper. So, I have to admit that I was shocked when the Times ran a column on February 24 by...