Bob Griffitts – American Hero

By John J. Duncan Jr. My long-time chief of staff, Bob Griffitts, is to me a true hero. He is such a humble man that I am sure he would be embarrassed for anyone to say that to him. During his 30 years working on my Congressional staff, he helped thousands of people...

Republican comeback

By John J. Duncan Jr. As almost all Focus readers know, I grew up in a political family.  I have been involved in politics since I was a small boy. After all these years, about the only certain thing I can tell you is that the pendulum swings. Sometimes it swings for...

Today’s liberals oppose free speech

By John J. Duncan Jr. Sen. Joseph McCarthy died in 1957, but the term associated with his name – McCarthyism – has lived on. Since the 1950s, this term has generally been used by those on the left to mean an untrue or greatly exaggerated charge of communism or...

Faulty Intelligence

By John J. Duncan Jr. The deployment of 26,000 National Guard troops to Washington for the inauguration was totally unnecessary and was a waste of many millions of taxpayer dollars that could and should have been spent for better things. It was done purely for...

Crony Capitalism

By John J. Duncan Jr. President Biden showed his first days in office that he will be the president for wealthy liberal elitists and extremely big business rather than one who is for working men and women. He showed that the persona he claims of being for the “little...

My love of music

By John J. Duncan Jr. As a young girl in Iowa, my mother played the cello.  In later years, her main enjoyment, after her grandchildren, was playing a very nice, small organ my father had bought her. I may have gotten my love for music from her, but for most of my...