Trump Has Been Right On Nato For Years

Trump Has Been Right On Nato For Years By John J. Duncan Jr. President Biden said Donald Trump’s statement about NATO was “dumb, shameful, dangerous, un-American.” Never has such a mean-spirited partisan political statement been made from the...

Three Movies I Think You Would Enjoy

Three Movies I Think You Would Enjoy By John J. Duncan Jr. During most of my working career I very seldom ever went to a movie theater and only rarely watched one on television. However, there are two fairly recent movies, “Phantom of the Open”...

Liberals Look Down On Ordinary Americans

Liberals Look Down On Ordinary Americans By John J. Duncan Jr.   A few weeks ago I wrote about a new book entitled “Where Have All The Democrats Gone?” by the two longtime Democrat consultants who say their party is losing the working class...

Terrible Tragedies Continue In Unjust War

Terrible Tragedies Continue In Unjust War By John J. Duncan Jr. The CBS national newscast on Jan. 20 showed the terrible anguish of a father holding a photograph of a little girl who had been killed a few days short of her first birthday by an...

Where Have All The Democrats Gone?

Where Have All The Democrats Gone? By John J. Duncan Jr. My political prediction: As I write this week’s column, the Iowa Caucuses are five days away. Even with far less money than the other candidates, the surprise of the night will be Vivek...