Some World Series Memories

Some World Series Memories By John J. Duncan Jr. In my column last week, I wrote that the World Series was huge back in the ‘50s and early ‘60s, at least in part because college and pro football and basketball were not nearly as popular back in...

The World Series Was Much Bigger In The 50s And 60s

By John J. Duncan Jr. It is almost time for the World Series. When I was a boy and young man, the Series was by far the biggest sports event of the year. Nothing else was even close. The first Super Bowl, which Green Bay won by a score of 35 to...

On Almost Everything, Follow The Money

On Almost Everything, Follow The Money By John J. Duncan Jr.   Almost everything the federal government does can be traced back to a very old saying: “Follow the money.” According to Wikipedia, the saying was popularized almost 50 years ago...

A Courageous Judge And Brave Lawyer

A Courageous Judge And Brave Lawyer By John J. Duncan Jr. From 1969 to 1988 I was devoted to the law – first as a law student at George Washington University, and then as a lawyer and judge in Knoxville. Through all the years since, I have...

Three Years And Going Strong

Three Years And Going Strong By John J. Duncan Jr. Grateful to The Focus and its readers This is the first column of my fourth year writing for The Knoxville Focus newspaper. Every week for the past three years I have written a column, missing...