Travails of Modernity

By Dr. Jim Ferguson One of my axioms (Fergisms) is, “Old shoes and an older wife are to be cherished.” In other words, shoes that are broken in and still have their soles should not be discarded for the latest fashions. And before I get in trouble with the “older...

The Journey

By Dr. Jim Ferguson As is often the case these days, Becky and I are together in my doctor’s office waiting for the results of my most recent scans. It’s hard to speak of such things, especially for men of my era, because from a young age we were taught to keep things...


By Dr. Jim Ferguson On Columbus Day, I read a story about the intrepid Captain who, “in 1492, sailed the ocean blue.” (I suspect this was the first historical date I memorized.) But there is more to his story. Before Columbus sailed westward he spent more than a...

Energy Density

By Dr. Jim Ferguson If my father had survived to 2019 he would have joined the ranks of a small group who, like my mother-in-law, are centenarians. We westerners marvel at those who have lived so long. Asian cultures often go further; they honor the accumulated...

The Doctor’s Rx

By Dr. Jim Ferguson I was able to retire from my traditional medical practice and become a semi-retired Doctor because my children were educated and launched, and Becky and I had no debt. I could afford my scruples, so I’m not criticizing those who have to stay in the...

The Manchurian Candidates

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Will Rogers once said, “I don’t do comedy, I just report the news.” However, in Roger’s time, unlike today, there was at least some semblance of factual reporting. I used to just laugh at the insanity of Democrat-Progressive-Socialists blather, but...