If not now, when?

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Will there always be an America? I never considered this until recently, but the question is at the heart of the border crisis and alien invasion versus lawful and legal immigration. The president clearly understands and articulated the issues in...


By Dr. Jim Ferguson I was never bookish growing up. I did well enough in school to get by and mostly avoided parental punishment. Admittedly, my primary interests were sports and girls. My fifth grade teacher and I are church members, and she was once asked if she...


By Dr. Jim Ferguson At year’s end, we expect to hear and sometimes make New Year’s resolutions. One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to pay attention and not forget vacation schedules. Each week columnists have editorial deadlines for the Focus. The problem occurs when...

‘Tis the Season

By Dr. Jim Ferguson I believe you appreciate wellness, when you haven’t had it in a while. I’m on the recovery side of a bad cold for which I can thank my wife Becky. Actually, it wasn’t her fault; she was an innocent bystander of the “kennel cough” our dog Jack...


By Dr. Jim Ferguson For a kid the most exciting time of the year is Christmas; and it’s all about magic. We regularly pick up our “cute-ones” (aka grandkids) from preschool, and last Wednesday they were excited, not just to see us, which they usually are, but because...

The Lumps and Bumps of Life

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Good storytelling is a practiced art, like writing. My wife’s cousin, Sam, is an accomplished spinner of yarns, and I am a better writer now after penning a half million words. As I work on the second novel in my planned science fiction trilogy, I...