Paying attention

 By Dr. Jim Ferguson One thing that really irks my wife is people who walk on the wrong side of the road. Folks, it’s dangerous to walk with your back to oncoming traffic. And it is especially dangerous for pedestrians when cars pass each other and have to choose...

Standing in the gap

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Perhaps by the time you read this essay, my daughter in Portland, Oregon will be bringing her second daughter into the world. And what a landscape awaits my fifth grandchild. Antifa blocks city streets in Portland and accosts citizens. Becky and I...

The Crucible

 By Dr. Jim Ferguson I am not a fan of long winded character development in novels. I’m more of a plot focused guy. Consequently, Charles Dickens wears me out. However, the opening lines of his novel “A Tale of Two Cities” captures where I am today. “It was the...

The A’s of our days

 By Dr. Jim Ferguson Though I have tried to avoid the dark vortex of Washington, I have found it impossible to escape the debacle of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Ordinarily, I am unaware of the despicable Feinstein and her craven colleagues. But now, I can’t...

Our River

By Dr. Jim Ferguson You know it’s time for a vacation when everything you read and hear sours your soul. I turned off the television “news” months ago, but the rants of the utterly despicable Dianne Feinstein and Democrats are everywhere, returning to their playbook...

Learning Philosophies

By Dr. Jim Ferguson   Words have meaning, and are the only way to express thoughts in an essay which affords no additional communication from body language. Anthropologists hold that the development of language was a great leap forward for mankind. And since we...