
By Dr. Jim Ferguson My mother often referred to my father as an “interesting man,” whose projects challenged our whole family. I remember when we raised quail in the basement for training hunting dogs. My job was to daily rotate each egg in the incubator a quarter...


By Dr. Jim Ferguson The old saw goes, “A writer’s life is his capital.” In other words, we write about our experiences and from our memories. Apparently, Stephen King and I share something; it’s just that the reflections from his memories are so scary. I find it odd...

The Journey

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Sometimes I wonder how I came to be where I am. Ever the pragmatist, my wife Becky says, “Well, you have to be somewhere.” I guess that’s true on this “mortal coil.” But more importantly, I’m where I’m supposed to be. Many of my friends are now...


By Dr. Jim Ferguson All doctors, and I think most professionals, are required to participate in continuing education to stay up to date and to maintain their licenses. Last week, I attended an educational course on the opioid crisis as part of my continuing medical...

Purposeful Reflections

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Another week and another story/essay. I often ask myself if there is an end to this journey. And as I sit down and begin this reflection, I wonder if it will be worthy of my time or your interest. And is either consideration a valid purpose? Though...

Generic Language

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Words are important. Aside from body language, they are the tools we use to communicate and express ourselves. Thankfully, we don’t read each other’s thoughts. Language is a living thing and changes with time and need. As an example, thirty years...