Continent or not

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Old shoes, old dogs and an older, but lovely, wife are blessings. I’m glad I don’t need to make a fashion statement and can focus on function more than form in the shoes that I wear. I do appreciate the discomfort that women sometimes endure in...

Facades and Euphemisms

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Apparently, Tennessee’s Senator Bob Corker would prefer President Trump insult Putin in front of the whole world at a press conference rather than exercising civility. You realize no president has ever insulted another leader publicly face to face....


By Dr. Jim Ferguson What anchors you? In other words, what constitutes your foundational supports? I’ve been thinking about this lately. I have a friend who maintains that her anchor is scripture. I agree with her that the wisdom of scripture is paramount, but I...


By Dr. Jim Ferguson It is Independence Day (July 4th) as I pen this essay. Actually, I don’t use a pen, but move electrons around on my laptop to make words to express my gratitude to all those who have ever served in the military and who guard my freedom. I graduated...

A Perfect Storm

By Dr. Jim Ferguson As I pen this essay, the rain we sorely needed continues to fall. The saying goes, be careful what you wish/pray for. However, I like rain and summer storms. There’s a wonderful and evocative piece of music by Antonio Vivaldi called “The Four...

Reality Check

By Dr. Jim Ferguson It is apparent that facts are irrelevant to the Trump hatred bunch whose nom de guerre is “the resistance,” but whose calling card is the F-bomb. Actually, the resistance is a euphemism for what has become unhinged depravity. The bile that exudes...