by design | Sep 11, 2022 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
Tennessee and Right-to-Work: The Tennessee Congressional Delegation and the Taft-Hartley Bill By Ray Hill The 1946 election saw a Republican electoral tidal wave. The Chairman of the Republican National Committee was a Tennessean, Congressman Carroll Reece. The...
by design | Sep 5, 2022 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
The Fall of Congressman Clifford Davis, V By Ray Hill Cliff Davis was sixty-six years old as he faced voters in the Democratic primary in August of 1964. For forty years, Cliff Davis had been a political favorite of the people of Shelby County, but his popularity was...
by design | Aug 28, 2022 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Ray Hill Clifford Davis had represented Shelby County in the U.S. House of Representatives for twenty-four years when he announced he was running for his fourteenth term in 1964. Davis had been the Democratic nominee in a 1940 special election and had won again in...
by design | Aug 21, 2022 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Ray Hill Clifford Davis had served as the congressman from the congressional district which was comprised of Shelby County. Davis had long been an institution in Shelby County and his name had first been on the ballot in 1923. Cliff Davis had long been one of the...
by design | Aug 14, 2022 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Ray Hill Congressman Clifford Davis of Memphis had quite nearly been upset in the 1962 election by, of all things, a Republican. Davis had easily won the Democratic primary that same year, beating two opponents for the Democratic nomination. Yet there had...
by design | Aug 7, 2022 | Columnist, Hill, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Ray Hill Congressman Clifford Davis was the last vestige of the old Crump machine still holding federal office in 1963. Davis had been in Congress since 1940 when he had won a special election to succeed Walter Chandler who had become mayor of Memphis. Davis was...