Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley   Knox County Republicans To Reorganize Knox County Republicans will gather to reorganize in convention on Saturday, February 18 at Crowne College in Powell. The little band of political pirates who boarded the GOP ship two years ago is fighting...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley They Should Pay For It The City of Knoxville has paid $150,000 to hire someone to write a grant to build a “pedestrian” bridge across the Tennessee River.  The proposed bridge would span the South Knoxville waterfront to the...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Tethered Dog Ordinance Approved The Knoxville City Council recently approved an ordinance making it illegal for people to chain their dogs up outside unattended.  The change was adopted after a sometimes pointed debate, but the...

Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley State Legislature To Consider County Primary Election Change The Tennessee General Assembly has begun its new session and legislators are busy dropping bills, organizing committees and getting underway.  One of the more interesting proposals is...

Publisher’s Positions

By Steve Hunley   Don’t Throw Rocks… While I don’t like or condone lying by politicians, what I hate even more is hypocrisy and there’s been more of that lately than there’s been lying, which is saying something.  Every Democrat and Leftist in the country...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley City Administration Needs To Be More Open And Transparent A few weeks ago, Eric Vreeland, the city spin doctor for the Kincannon administration took issue with my description of the pay for former deputy mayor Stephanie Welch....