Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley City Council Members Should Be Elected By District The Knoxville City Council, those lovers of democracy, are trying to undo what the Tennessee General Assembly tried to force them to do: allow district representatives to be...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Liberals: Believe Us Or Your Lyin’ Eyes When people ask me about “the good old days” and what do I miss the most, I always say people being able to think for themselves and make up their own minds.  There are more and more reports...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Becky Duncan Massey Is Best Choice For State Senate The Inside Tennessee  show over at WBIR had state Senator Becky Duncan Massey and her challenger, Monica Irvine, on last week. The conversation between the two opponents inside...