Cardiac Rehab

By Ralphine Major We first met them only days after our mother’s heart attack.  The place was St. Mary’s Cardiac Rehab East Towne location.  It was the next step in the recovery process as heart attack patients were guided through exercise routines and equipment to...

Runners get ready!

Corryton 8-Miler and 2-Miler Races Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 8 a.m. Corryton Community and Senior Center, 9331 Davis Road, Corryton, TN 37721 By Ralhine Major The races are just days away!  Hosted by the Corryton Community and Senior Center and Corryton Running...

Welcome home, Chase!

  By Ralphine Major He has a strong passion for mountain biking.  But the bike trail is not where I saw Chase Campbell recently.  It was in the sanctuary of Wallace Memorial Baptist Church.  The mountain biker is also a minister, and he has come home. Chase...

It’s Fair Time!

By Ralphine Major Summer is winding down, and fall is getting ready to take her rightful place.  The signs are all around.  Leaves are turning, Rocky Top is ringing in the air, and squirrels are gathering nuts for the winter.  Another sure sign of the changing seasons...

Neva Gibbs Cardwell

By Ralphine Major For decades, she was the beloved first-grade teacher at Gibbs Elementary School.  I was in her class during the 1960-61 school year.  She even taught our father’s first-grade class years earlier.  As a first grader, I was too young to realize her...

It’s still summer!

By Ralphine Major The beautiful bloom became my new favorite flower many years ago.  Several floral arrangements sent when our father passed away 24 years ago this week featured the giant sunflower.  For a long time after then, I was attracted to anything sunflower. ...