Is it Summer Yet?

By Ralphine Major Almost! The sights and sounds indicate as much, and the calendar is catching up. The official start of summer happens this week, June 20. Jesus even mentioned the season in Matthew 24:32: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet...

I Think of Fathers

By Ralphine Major While mothers are usually considered the ones who nurture our families, I think of fathers as the backbones of our families.  The summer holiday almost midway between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July is the day set aside as Father’s Day to honor...

A Day of Remembering

By Ralphine Major Growing up, I remember hearing the adults talk about how fast time flies! Back then, I thought it passed rather slowly. Now, I appreciate their remarks. As I look at where we are in the calendar year, it is hard to believe Memorial Day is already...

The fireflies are coming!

By Ralphine Major “In the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, a young boy enjoys the wonder of a hot, summer night catching fireflies.  However, these are unique fireflies.  It is the synchronous firefly.  On the other side of the world, a young boy from Southeast...