‘Pretend Grass’

‘Pretend Grass’ By Tom Mattingly When football spring practice and its aftermath were happening in 1968, there were definite undercurrents that would affect the program for at least the next 25 years. During that time, the Vols were trying to replace...

Significant memories from an earlier life

Significant memories from an earlier life By Tom Mattingly AUTHOR’S PREFACE: Last week’s story on the 1998 national championship book from Pediment Publishing brought back some significant memories. More than a few years ago, I remember calling Susan Alexander at the...

‘What a year!’

‘What a year!’ By Tom Mattingly After the 2022 University of Tennessee football season had finished 11-2, Pediment Publishing (Pediment.com) met the moment with the publication of “REVIVOLS: How Tennessee’s Epic 2022 Delivered a Return to the Football...

Time heals all wounds

Time heals all wounds By Tom Mattingly Most football fans can look back and remember the “hot button” issues that have dominated media coverage over the years. These issues are part of the discussion that takes place whenever fans gather. There seems to be no...

Why, Tell me, Why?

Why, Tell me, Why? By Tom Mattingly This is the stuff of which orange-colored memories are made. Late in the first half in the 1991 Notre Dame game, the Fighting Irish led 31-7 and were trying a field goal to extend the lead. Things looked bleak for the Vols. Remember...