When 10 wins aren’t enough

When 10 wins aren’t enough By Tom Mattingly At the end of each season, football fans each have their own way of measuring the success or failure of each campaign. Very often, even the most successful season has an asterisk (*) or asterisks (**) attached to it. The...

The sideline of choice

The sideline of choice By Tom Mattingly Does it matter which side of the football field your favorite team stands on? It’s a tough question. The argument goes like this. If your bench is on the east side (opposite the press box), your team is in the sun, regardless of...

What generation?

What generation? By Tom Mattingly In this business, people are always asking intriguing questions, whether it’s on the street, in restaurants, via E-mail, or on the telephone. It’s the stuff of which memories are made. A whole host of memories revolves around Sunday...

Where’s Georgia Tech?

Where’s Georgia Tech? By Tom Mattingly Looking at Tennessee’s November football schedule begs an important question or two for us old folks. Where the heck is the “Rambling Wreck,” AKA Georgia Tech? (The other question for the fans base is why the Vols are playing...

‘It ain’t over yet’

‘It ain’t over yet’ By Tom Mattingly There’s been quite a transformation in the Neyland Stadium crowd that has been obvious to any Vol fan who has walked through the gates of this storied arena since the opening game of the 2021 season. The Vol fan base, historically...