‘Do it for me’

By Tom Mattingly Traveling to various venues with the Tennessee Volunteers is very enjoyable, and there are some intriguing stories, many of which can be told in the pages of a family newspaper. Lindsey Nelson has reported that, while in California for the 1940 Rose...

It just means more

By Tom Mattingly There’s nothing like a good grudge. Over the years, those sports fans living south of the Mason-Dixon line have perfected the art of never forgetting even the most minor slight. It’s a way of life in some locales. Historically, Tennessee has had its...

Season openers to remember

By Tom Mattingly The calendar tells us that the 2021 University of Tennessee season-opening football game against Bowling Green is just around the comer. Here are several of the memorable first games. Sept. 24, 1921, Tennessee 27, Emory & Henry 0, Shields-Watkins...

Blest be the tie

By Tom Mattingly In the wee hours of the morning after Tennessee had dispatched Arkansas in an exhausting six overtimes in October 2002, someone spoke up and said that the Vols’ 41-38 win was “better than a tie.” Haywood Harris a football purist above all else, looked...

Playing with a short stick

By Tom Mattingly No Vol fan woke up in a good humor the morning of Sunday, Sept. 28, 1958, after the season opener at Legion Field in Birmingham, AL. The day before, Sept. 27, will long live-in infamy in the history of Tennessee football. The Vols are likely to be in...