Can I Get My DUI Expunged?

By Jedidiah McKeehan Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is one of the most common criminal charges in the United States.  Individuals cannot seem to resist consuming alcohol and then operating a motor vehicle. Being convicted of a DUI has very serious implications. ...

Wage Garnishment

By Jedidiah McKeehan Almost every day in almost every county in America, people are getting sued because they owe money to someone. It can be a credit card debt, a medical debt, or back rent that individuals and companies are suing on to collect the money they are...

Where do I sit in a courtroom?

By Jedidiah McKeehan As an attorney, I occasionally forget some of the most basic things about going to court and being involved in a legal proceeding.  Most people have never had to go to court, or even had to contact an attorney, which is a good thing. One of the...

Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity

By Jedidiah McKeehan When we think of a “family unit,” in our heads, many of us will think of a married husband and wife and their children born to them while the couple is married.  However, as we all know, families take on many forms.  The family unit can take on...