Can a child sue someone?

By Jed McKeehan Occasionally I will have a family come see me who have been involved in a car wreck and the parents and the children have all received injuries as a result of the wreck.  When this happens each and every single person involved in the car wreck has...

Eating that Roadkill You Just Created

By Jedidiah McKeehan So, you are driving down the road to your house, minding your own business, and an animal darts out in front of you. You simply do not have time to swerve and you hit the animal, and unfortunately, you kill it. You may be heart broken, you may...

What is an S-Corp?

By Jedidah McKeehan When I think of different types of business entities that exist, there are a few that come to mind first.  Usually people have heard of an LLC, which is a limited liability company.  Another common type of entity is a corporation.  If an entity is...