by Jedidiah McKeehan | Nov 18, 2019 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan When individuals or business come to me and state that they want to sue someone for money they are owed, one of the topics I always cover with them is, does this person have any money? Or another way to put it, if we go to trial and win a big...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Nov 11, 2019 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidah McKeehan Lots of what attorneys do involves drafting, interpreting, and arguing over provisions in contracts. Attorneys get a bad rap in this area of the law because people feel that once attorneys become involved contracts become overly complicated and...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 28, 2019 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan Sometimes someone will come to me very upset and tell me they want to get divorced but they have not seen their spouse in years and years and they do not know how to serve them with divorce paperwork. Some of these people believe there is no way...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 21, 2019 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan You may be watching the news, or reading an article online about a high-profile criminal case and the criminal defendant is found guilty and sentenced to a long prison sentence. What the articles and stories usually do not discuss is how much of...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 7, 2019 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan It is never a good thing to be the victim of a crime. If you are, then at best you have endured something annoying, and at worst, you have experienced something that results in life-changing trauma, injury or even death. When someone is a victim...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Sep 23, 2019 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan Occasionally when individuals come see me who are going through the divorce process, they will say something like, “I need to get him to agree to leave me on his medical insurance,” or, “We have agreed that he will stay on my medical insurance for...