by design | Apr 22, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
What is a First Setting? By Jedidiah McKeehan When we watch courtroom shows on TV, we rarely see the mundane things that go on behind the scenes. Understandably, they skip right to the exciting parts like finding the murder weapon, or intense questioning of the...
by design | Apr 15, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
If You Call the Police, Can You Still Be Arrested? By Jedidiah McKeehan Occasionally, I will represent someone charged with a crime and they will say something to me like, “They arrested me, and I am the one who called the police!” Unfortunately, if you call the...
by design | Mar 11, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
The Unauthorized Practice of Law By Jedidiah McKeehan What would happen if someone just put on a suit and tie and walked into court, and started acting as a lawyer for someone even though they were not actually a lawyer? If anyone figures out that this is happening,...
by design | Mar 4, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
The Default Start Time for Court is 9 a.m. By Jedidah McKeehan When there is an upcoming hearing on a case it is incredibly important that the lawyers make sure they get their clients to court in the right place and at the right time. What time will court start? I...
by design | Feb 19, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
Adultery: Grounds for Divorce or Not? By Jedidiah McKeehan Often when people speak to me about filing for divorce, they speak about how they want to file for divorce on the grounds of adultery. Under Tennessee Code Annotated section 36-4-101, adultery is a basis for...
by design | Feb 12, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
What is Split Confinement? By Jedidiah McKeehan If you are charged with a crime, and you are considering pleading guilty, one of the big questions that you will want answered is how you will have to serve your sentence. Your sentence is your period of punishment for...